Historic Fort Adams

2015-10-23T14:03:02+00:00October 23rd, 2015|

If you're driving around Ocean Drive, one of the best stopping points along the way is Fort Adams State Park.  With beautiful views of downtown and Narragansett Bay, this Fort is filled with history and culture. Construction on the Fort that is there today did not begin until 1824.  Prior [...]

Lafayette’s Hermione is Paying Newport a Visit

2015-07-02T16:10:23+00:00July 2nd, 2015|

A twenty year old dream has finally reached fruition as the replica of the Hermione, Marquis de Lafayette's French warship that helped the USA be victorious over Great Britain, is sailing into Newport.  The ship will be sailing into Fort Adams on July 8th and there will [...]

Celebrating Irish Heritage Month in Newport

2015-02-27T06:57:51+00:00February 27th, 2015|

St. Patrick's Day is one of the biggest and most looked forward to days for locals in Newport.  March is also Irish Heritage Month in Newport, and there will be various activities happening throughout the month in order to celebrate Newport's Irish roots.  The highlight [...]

The Lady of Marble House – Alva Vanderbilt

2014-10-24T06:07:17+00:00October 24th, 2014|

The Newport Mansions are filled with the history of the wealthy families who lived in them.  Alva Vanderbilt, later Alva Belmont's story is the one that thrives behind the heavy walls of Marble House. Alva was born on January 17th, 1853 as Alva Ertskin Smith, [...]

The Preservation Society of Newport County

2014-10-17T06:57:28+00:00October 17th, 2014|

The Historic Newport Mansions are some of the biggest attractions when visiting Newport and if it wasn't for the Preservation Society of Newport County, we wouldn't be able to enjoy these historic houses and learn about what life was like when they were private homes. [...]

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