National Museum of American Illustration

2013-05-05T14:59:29+00:00May 5th, 2013|

Vernon Court, which is now the home of the National Museum of American Illustration (NMAI) was built in 1898, and has been recognized as one of the ten greatest mansions in America.  It has been compared to such structures as the White House, the Breakers and the Biltmore.  The [...]


2013-04-29T10:16:33+00:00April 29th, 2013|

Most people tend to visit the main 5 mansions when visiting Newport – The Breakers, Marble House, The Elms, Rosecliff and Chateau-Sur-Mer, but there are many others to see as well.  An example of one of these “under the radar” mansions is Kingscote, which opens [...]

The Elms

2013-04-12T13:53:49+00:00April 12th, 2013|

The Elms - 1930 One of the most frequent question I am asked from guests is "What is the best Mansion in Newport?"  Usually my answer is that all of the houses are different and appeal to everyone in their own way.  While [...]

Historic Fort Adams

2013-04-05T13:03:36+00:00April 5th, 2013|

  Fort Adams   One of Newport's most underutilized and rarely seen attractions is Fort Adams State Park. Featuring some of the best harbor views around, ample parking, and the much overshadowed Coastal Walk, Fort Adams is something not to miss when visiting [...]

Newport Mansions

2013-04-01T17:23:08+00:00April 1st, 2013|

The Breakers Only in Newport can you walk through centuries of American life in an afternoon.  Each house you visit is an authentic icon of one of the great eras of American history.  Hunter House was here when the Battle of Bunker Hill [...]

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